Over the years of our law firm’s, we’ve achieved an astonishing rate of 98% of positive verdicts rate, which beats any of our local competitor’s margins by double digits…

Even if we’ve tried to, it would have been an awfully long of a page to list all of the 98 hundred cases we won, helped to dismiss, drop or settle in those 27 years.
These are our most recent victories, which we’ll be updating regularly with newer ones…
Our strong conviction is that if a business is to be optimized, it’s to be optimized in a full cycle manner!
Our expertise spans from business and investment consulting and well into HR/recruiting and M&A fields…
Keep in touch with all the latest news and events
Would you like to speak to one of our lawyers before you hire us? Just choose the topic and we’ll be more than glad to answer any of your questions!
7292 Dictum Av. San Antonio MI 47096
+30 0123-456-789